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Design Focused Installation

March 8 @ 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Saturday, March 8th, 8am – 4:30pm

*Please RSVP Below*

This fun workshop will be at a family home, so we will be building this one for the kids (and whole family)! Come ready with your creative minds, because we will be making an interactive design at the onset of this workshop, with specific design activities planned. It should be noted, this design activity will be specific and unique to this particular workshop. We will be focusing on earthworks and elevations this workshop, laying the foundation for a playful and healthy space. At the end of the workshop, we will be seeding and transplanting various cacti, grasses, shrubs, and trees. This project will likely have some continuation on our plant identification workshops/classes we are covering this month.

Workshop Schedule 9am – 5pm:

  • 8am – 9:30am: Introductions, design activity, tool safety and tips/tricks on digging. Coffee and snacks provided
  • 9:30am – 12pm: Digging and earth moving as a group
  • 12pm – 1pm: Snack and water break. Project check in, plant identification, plant overview.
  • 1pm – 3pm: Break out groups work on more earth moving and shaping, with a little bit of planting and mulching.
  • 3pm ~ 4:30pm: Circle up for questions, reflections, and final thoughts. Dinner and after party!

We will cover:

  • Interactive Design Activity (assessment, relationships, game, decision)
  • Elevations and laser level practice
  • Tool tips and tricks
  • passive water harvesting
  • Plant identification and uses
  • Planting tips and tricks

We’ll provide:

  • Water
  • Extra hats and gloves
  • Tools and teachers
  • First aid kit
  • Bathroom
  • Extra plates and utensils as needed
  • Food and snacks provided by the hosts

Make sure to bring your own:

  • Water bottles
  • Hat
  • Gloves if you have them
  • Plates and utensils
  • Optional: Food or beverage if you feel like bringing something to share



March 8
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Event Category:


Transforming Terrain